Ryan Crane Photography

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The Art of Photography

No man has tasted more freedom than an artist. Art is what sets us free. Removing the shackles of time, relieving us of the never-ending duties and responsibilities, and saving us from the ruthlessness of the world. Art has many forms and no boundaries, it exists all around us. One form out of these many forms is photography.

Capturing moments, through the lens of a camera, hence preserving those moments forever, is a method of defying time - for time stays still in pictures. But it is not as easy as it seems. A photographer is blessed and gifted with the art of taking pictures. He / She is well aware of the angles and the lightning required to capture what remains no longer a mere picture but becomes a masterpiece, which is enough to mesmerize people and leave them staring at that picture in awe. One perfect example of what skill does to a picture and how it elevates its level can be seen in the photograph below (figure 1).

This is a picture of a simple barn but the perfection of the timing and the moment at which the photographer took the picture truly changed the whole scene. The lightning, with the bridge, trees, and the barn at the corner, all combined have raised this picture to a completely new level, and this can only be achieved by someone who is truly in love with photography and is blessed with the art of taking pictures.

Next, figure 2, is a beautiful and perfect portrayal of how nothing fancy or exciting needs to be happening in a picture, for it to be fascinating. The photographer has captured a cheetah sitting calmly on a simple rocky area, however, it has been captured with such precision and beauty that the picture is screaming that the one who took it is extremely talented.

Art keeps people sane in this inhumane world. Sometimes, it is the only escape for a few, the only path for them to get rid of their miseries. Art not only helps people escape but also opens doors to a world of imagination for others, helping them break down the barriers of reality and enter a universe of their own, or even better, make their own universe.

As George Bernard Shaw said;

“Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.”