How to Choose the Right Artwork for Your Guest Room
How to Choose the Right Artwork for Your Guest Room
Whether you have lived in your home for a long time or you are just about to move in, you want your home to be a showcase. Not only should be a place where you are excited to come to each night after work, but you also want it to have the right look and feel. You want to impress others, feel comfortable and serene there, and enjoy the beauty of your home to its fullest.
While furniture is extremely important, so is the artwork you use in your home. This is especially true if you plan on having people stay at your home. They will be staying in your guestroom, and you want to make them feel welcome, while also taking the opportunity to show off a little bit. What you need is the right artwork for your guestroom, and here are some tips to help you do that.
Make It Relaxing
The guestroom is going to be the place where your visitors want to relax and unwind. They want to make it their own space, and that starts by creating a space where they can relax. The artwork will likely be the last thing they see before they go to sleep, so you want something that is comforting.
Think Outside the Box
When most people think of artwork, they consider paintings or sculptures. Do not be so limiting your thinking. Instead, consider decorative pillows and bedspreads. There are fantastic designs that look beautiful and will serve as a showpiece of sorts. Your guests will be impressed with your sense of style and taste.
Go Around the World
You can also be bold in your artwork. This may include choosing images and designs that depict fabulous places across the earth. You could hang Chicago skyline pictures or tropical rain forests. Maybe it is the Great Wall of China or the sandy beaches of the Mediterranean. Let your guestroom be a place that inspires the imagination as well.
In Fact, Inspire Away!
As part of that motif, consider choosing pieces that inspire people to take trips. There are natural wonders out there that many do not give a second thought. Why not inspire their imaginations with giraffe art, pictures from the Amazon jungle, or whales in the open seas?
If you expect to have younger couples or people with children at your home, that inspires you in different ways. Maybe you could have images of beaches, a great family getaway. Disney artwork is always a great choice as well.
As you can see, there are many great things you can do with your guestroom. Make it a showcase and you can really show off your home to its fullest.